The collaboration between Lightaholic Studios and Huawei was a remarkable partnership that brought together the best of both worlds. Huawei, a leading tech giant, brought its technological expertise and innovation, while Lightaholic, a renowned design studio, brought creativity and a unique style to the table. It embodies the paradox of everyday life – refinement and practicality, elegance yet simplicity, transitioning seamlessly from sporty to business attire. All of these elements were perfectly displayed by the star of the collection, Liviu Popescu, whose vision and entrepreneurial spirit perfectly captured the essence of the collaboration. The classic yet innovative designs of the products were blended into the design of our chameleonic studio, which is capable of molding to suit every taste. Our props and lighting successfully highlighted the products, creating a true „masterpiece” that can only be attributed to our projects.
Photographer: Catalin Opritescu